Institutional Analyst Inc. announced the release of the 2021 Psychedelic Investor Guide on Monday, October 18th. The Psychedelic Investor Guide is the most comprehensive and easy to use guide covering the rapidly growing Psychedelic investment landscape.

Forty-six of the Leading Companies in the Sector are Listed.
Each Profile Contains:
- Stock chart
- Financial information
- Business description
- Six of the most recent headlines, with links to company press releases.
Additionally included are direct links to each Company’s investor relations page and a direct link to their SEC or Sedar filings page. The Guide provides everything an investor needs, to get acquainted with the emerging leaders.
The Guide Features:
Large cap companies over $500 million such as Atai Life Sciences ($ATAI-$2 billion), Compass Pathways ($CMPS-$1.3 billion) and Mind Medicine ($MNMD-$870 million).
7 mid-cap companies valued over $100 million.
29 small-cap companies valued under $100 million such as Bright Minds Biosciences (BMBIF-$88 million), Small Pharma (DMTTF-$70 million) and Mydecine Group (MYCOF-$66 million).
12 micro-cap companies under $25 million such as Wesana Health (WSNAF-$25 million), BetterLife Pharma (BETRF-$20 million) and Delic Holding (DELCF-$11 million).
“We created the Guide in a readable PDF format which provides an easy and quick way for investors to literally flip page after page, looking for investment opportunities,” stated Roland Rick Perry, editor of the Psychedelic Stock Review. “If an investor is seriously hunting for new ideas, this can save hours and hours of tedious research work. It took our team weeks to gather the data and present it in the easiest and most readable format available, in magazine style – which can be printed.
Everything an investor needs to get started, is right at the touch of their fingertips. Reviewing the Guide is less time consuming than clicking on site after site, and webpage after webpage in the research gathering process.
The guide will be updated monthly, and the company list updated weekly on our website under the A-Z Universe section of the website. The Guide will be renamed the 2022 Investor Guide on January 4th. Additions and deletions to the list will occur as warranted by its research staff.
To receive your free copy of the upcoming 2023 Psychedelic Investor Guide visit
Subscribe to receive your copy.
The Guide will be delivered directly to the 20,000 subscribers of the Biotech Stock Review, with no need to re-subscribe.
Copies will additionally be printed and mailed to Analysts and Investment Bankers providing psychedelic sector coverage at Aegis, Baader Bank, Berenberg Capital, Bloom Burton, Canaccord, Cantor Fitzgerald, CITI Investment Research, Clarus, Cowen, Credit Suisse, Dejardins Securities, HC Wainwright, Maxim, RBC Capital, Roth Capital, Stifel GMP and Think Equity. As well as to our proprietary database of small-cap Biotech Investment Bankers and Biotech Hedge Funds.
About Institutional Analyst
Institutional Analyst was launched in 1995 as an independent research and investor‐relations-consulting firm that publishes investment grade research reports on independently selected companies. Institutional Analyst Inc., manages several industry specific websites and newsletters including the Internet Stock Review, the Biotech Stock Review, the Marijuana Stock Review and Beverage Start Up News. The firm is additionally retained to create broad-based industry guides, by professional investors such as hedge funds, for newly emerging sectors including the Psychedelic sector.
For further information, publicly traded Companies and Investment Professionals can contact Roland Perry at 310-594-8062 or [email protected]
The 2021 Guide is sponsored in part by KetaDash Home Treatments. KetaDash connects mental health patients with highly skilled nurses, to provide at-home ketamine therapy under expert supervision. KetaDASH allows existing ketamine clinics to extend their treatments to the patient’s home. Using the intuitive HIPAA compliant KetaDash cloud-based app, patients can find the best facilities to have treatment prescribed, and once prescribed check the availability of nurses. During and after treatment, the app can monitor the treatment allowing patients and medical professionals to view detailed reports on the ketamine therapy’s progress. KetaDash is owned by Ehave Inc., (EHVVF).
Qualified patients, doctors, and clinics are invited to visit http://www.KetaDash.com/sign-up for more information.
New to the Street TV
The 2021 Guide is sponsored in part by New to the Street, which since 2009 produces biographical investment related interviews, across major U.S. Television networks. The TV platforms include NewsMax, reaches over 540 million homes in aggregate every Sunday. New to the Street will publicize the Guides availability to this audience.
Companies interested in appearing future issues of the Guide or in our upcoming Psychedelic Investor TV are invited to visit:
..or call Roland Perry at 310-594-8062
Our Favorite Microcap Psychedelic Client